Why Your Spirit Is More Important Than Your Body

What is more important, your spirit, soul or your body? Do you care more for your soul than your body? Which is of greater value, your body or your spirit? These are questions that rattle the mind, and some seem to be confused about the answers. So let’s look at why your spirit is so much more important than your body.

Why Your Spirit Is More Important Than Your Body

Why Your Spirit is More Important Than Your Body

What is more important to humans, the body or the spirit. What is more important, your soul or your spirit. Let’s look at the reasons Why human spirit is more important than the body:

#1. You are a spirit

The most vital reason why your spirit is more important than your body is that the real you is a spirit, you are not your body. Man is a spirit that lives in the body and has a soul, nothing short of that.

Many people are not aware that they are rather spirit being. You are not what you see physically, as flesh and blood, no, you are a spirit. God created you in his own likeness and the likelihood of God is a spirit not flesh and blood.

It is your spirit that can resemble God, not your body. Your body is a house, your house, just to help you have a shape to live in. That’s why you can’t feed your flesh more than your spirit. You cannot take care of your body more than you do to your spirit.

#2. Your spirit is what caries the image of God, not your body.

To further proof that your spirit is more important than your body, God created man in his image, and that image can’t be your flesh because God is not flesh and blood. God is a spirit, and can only create a spirit in his likeness.

Why your spirit is more important than your body

#3. God relates with your spirit, not your body.

This is the most important proof why your spirit is more important than your body. Infact, your flesh profits nothing according to the bible, your flesh is always in enmity with God, an enemy of God.

Your feeling, which is part of your flesh, is completely an opposite of what the mindset of God offers in the word of God. God doesn’t live by feelings.

God relates with you through your spirit.

#4. Your spirit is immortal while your body is mortal.

The fourth reason why your spirit is more important than your body is that your body is mortal and temporary, while your spirit is immortal and eternal after you are born again. God is immortal too; your spirit and God go together. Your body was made from sand and clay, and God said it would return to sand.

But your spirit was made by God, your spirit is part of God, it came from the breadth of God, which is the word of God.

That’s why your spirit can be transformed by the word of God, into a god, because it came from god.

#5. Your spirit sustains your flesh

The fifth reason why your spirit is more important than your body is that your spirit has the ability to sustain the body, but your body doesn’t have the ability to sustain the spirit. Your flesh is limited, your spirit is not limited because it’s a spirit.

That’s why it’s very important to build your spirit more than your body, care for your spirit more than your body, invest in your spirit more than your body, because your spirit has the capacity to sustain your flesh.

The knowledge of who God is is what your spirit eats. Your spirit eats the revelation of God’s word and the understanding of God’s word. If your spirit doesn’t eat, it will be weak and cannot control the body.

At this point, you will be taking orders from your feelings, you will be acting by the dictates of your feelings which is not the mindset of God. Your spirit is supposed to take orders from God and impose it on your system, allowing you to live by the dictates of the word of God.

But your soul matters, and we have had many discussions on our social media platforms on “reasons why your soul matters” as much as the reason why human spirits are important.

#6. Your spirit gives life to your body

Your spirit can do without your body, but your body cannot do without your spirit. The moment your spirit leaves your body, your body is dead. The only issue is when your spirit is weak because you don’t give it food. The word of God is the food your spirit eats.

Why human spirits are important

In the Bible, human spirits are emphasized as being crucial to our relationship with God and our overall existence. According to scripture, our spirits are what connect us to God and allow us to commune with Him. In 1 Corinthians 2:11, for example, it says that only through our spirits can we truly understand the things of God.

Furthermore, the Bible teaches that our spirits are eternal and will live on even after our physical bodies have perished. In Ecclesiastes 12:7, it states that our spirits will return to God who gave them. This serves as a reminder that our ultimate destiny lies in the hands of God and that our spirits are valuable in His eyes.

Our spirits also play a key role in our spiritual growth and transformation. Romans 8:16 tells us that the Holy Spirit communicates with our spirits, guiding us in our faith and sanctification. By nurturing our spirits through prayer, meditation, and the reading of scripture, we can deepen our relationship with God and become more like Christ.

Therefore, human spirits are essential according to the Bible because they enable us to connect with God, determine our eternal destiny, and facilitate our spiritual growth. As we seek to understand and cultivate our spirits, we can experience the fullness of life that God desires for us.

What is more important, your soul or your spirit?

Your spirit is more important than your soul because your spirit can sustain your soul, but your soul cannot sustain your spirit. your spirit can do without soul, but your soul cannot do without your spirit. The moment your spirit leaves your soul, your soul is dead.

Why is the soul so important?

The soul is so important because of the mind. The soul is an embodiment of the mind, feelings and intellect. Please note that the spirit is different from the soul. The soul is our mind, feelings and intellect. Your spirit lives in the body which has a soul.

the soul is important to us because we need to reason just like God. If we are able to reason like God with our mind, then we have become gods. But this is done by using the word of God to renew your mind according to Romane 12.

Our natural mindset does not reason like God, it takes colour from the world. The word of God is the mindset of God.

Many people exchanges the word soul for the spirit. The soul is not important to God, but to us. It is our spirit that is important to God because God created your spirit in his likeness. God relates with your spirit, not your soul.

Furthermore, the Bible teaches that the soul is precious and valuable in the eyes of God. In Matthew 16:26, Jesus asks, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?”

This verse emphasizes the fact that material possessions and worldly success are temporary and ultimately meaningless in comparison to the eternal destiny of the soul. It highlights the idea that the soul is of far greater significance than anything else in this world.

why your spirit is more important than your body

Another reason why the soul is important according to the Bible is because it is believed to be the source of spiritual growth and transformation. In the book of Romans, it talks about being transformed by the renewing of your mind, which suggests that the soul plays a key role in our spiritual development. By nurturing and caring for our souls, we are able to become more like Christ and grow in our faith.

Why is the human spirit important?

Man is a spirit that leaves in a body and has a soul. If you are a spirit, then you are important. it’s unfortunate, many people think they are the body, no, you are not your body. Your body is the house you live in.

The human spirit is a crucial aspect of our identity and purpose according to the Bible. It is through our spirit that we are able to connect with God, discern spiritual truths, and make moral and ethical decisions.

By nurturing and developing our spirit, we are able to deepen our relationship with God, grow in wisdom and understanding, and live out His will for our lives. As we strive to cultivate a healthy and vibrant spirit, we can experience the fullness of life and joy that God intends for us as His beloved children.

What is the purpose of your spirit?

Asking what is the purpose of your spirit? is equivalent to asking ”what is your purpose”, because your spirit is you.

What is the difference between the body, soul, and spirit?

Man is a spirit, that lives in the body and has a soul. The spirit is the real man that relates and connects with God. The spirit is the image of God because God is a spirit. God does not relate with the body. The soul is part of the body which is your mind, your intellect, and your feelings.

Why is the soul important to God?

The soul is our mind, feelings and intellect. Many people exchanges the word soul for the spirit. The soul is not important to God, but to us. It is our spirit that is important to God because God created your spirit in his likeness. God relates with your spirit, not your soul.

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