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7 Keys To Greatness As A Believer

Greatness is of God. God is great, and created us in his likeness, which means God wants all his children to become great just as he is. Born again creates a relationship between you as a spirit and God, but it doesn’t make believers to be great automatically. There are keys to greatness as a believer.

Keys to greatness as a believer

Keys to greatness as a believer

What do you need to do to become great as a believer. You need to understand that born again doesn’t guarantee any form of successful life on earth. There are major keys we are going to discuss, that will guarantee greatness to you as a child of God.

Salvation is for the spirit:

Salvation is a fundamental one of the keys to greatness. You can’t think of greatness from God when you are not saved.

This is because born again only affected you as a spirit. It’s your spirit man that is saved, delivered. Your mentality, your mindset, your financial life, your character, and many more, were not included

Salvation simply brought your spirit back to life, to be able to relate with God again. After the fall of man, through the sin of Adam.

the spirit of man was dead, meaning, it was cut off from God, could not relate with God, nor have any form of communication with God again.

Jesus used. the salvation process to make the spirit alive into God again. This means the spirit is now able to relate with God after a man is born again. Here are keys to greatness as a believer:

#1. Develop the mindset of God

Developing the mindset of God is the first one of the keys to greatness as a believer. Even in the relationship, for your relationship with God to be effective or healthy after you saved, you have to do away with your old mindset, your old way of thinking, which is worldly.

That’s why, after you are born again, the bible, in Romans 12, advise that you renew your mind using the word of God, which is the mindset of God. Developing the mindset of God is a major one of the keys to greatness.

How to renew your mind:

Your have to spend quality time to study the word of God on a daily basis, till you understand God’s way of thinking, till the mindset of God replaces the old mindset. Renewing your mind after salvation is a key scriptural requirement

There’s a perspective God looks at things. According to the bible, just as the heaven is far away from the earth, that’s how the thoughts of God is far away, different from that of man. You need to discover how to renew your mind according to the bible.

There are many videos on our social media platforms that can help you on how you can easily renew your mind using the word of God.

Why should we develop the mindset of God:

Developing the mindset of God is one of the most important Keys to greatness. Before you can get God’s result, you have to think like God, but it’s important to know that this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a process.

Though it depends on the time you invest in it on a daily basis. It depends on the passion you develop after the understanding.

For example, you will not know, nor understand immediately after born again, that you have to work with God by faith, even when you know, you may not understand how to work with God by faith, but the bible will teach you all these.

#2. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit:

Engaging the ministry of the Holy Spirit is a major one of the keys to greatness. This is because the Holy Spirit helps us to enforce the will of God in our lives. Your relationship with the Holy Spirit will facilitate the implementation of the keys to greatness.

Who is the Holy Spirit:

The holy spirit is a person, the third in trinity. He is also the spirit of the word of God, the spirit of Christ. He carries the seven spirits, including the spirit of revelation and understanding which you need for the understanding of the word of God.

Why the holy spirit came to earth:

This is important, the Holy Spirit came for us, to help us, to teach us, and help generally to succeed on earth, but many are not utilizing his presence on earth. The Holy Spirit as a helper, will help you harnnes all the keys to greatness for their effective implementation and utilisation.

God has given us every thing we need to succeed in life but we are ignoring them. The Holy Spirit is too important to be ignored.

The spirit realm:

The spiritual realm control everything that happens on earth, positive or negative, whether from God or Satan. The greatness of any man is being determined and enforced in the realm of the spirit by spirits.

The Holy Spirit is the one that controls the spirit realm, he didn’t come to wipe away Satan and his demons, but he specifically came to rescue you from their hands.

You don’t understand the operations of the devil like the holy spirit do. He can stop them, but you can’t, so why not use him.

The baptism of the holy spirit:

For easy relationship between you and the Holy Spirit, you have to get the baptism of the holy spirit will evidence of speaking in tongues. Then you need to speak in tongues regularly, to grow spiritually.

#3. Prayer and Fasting:

Prayer and Fasting is the third one of the keys to greatness as a believer, another spiritual exercise you have to do to become great in life. Prayer and fasting is one of the fastest means to accelerate your spiritual growth.

You can’t really achieve anything great in life without fasting and prayer. God recommends and backup fasting in the bible.

If there’s anything that looks hard for you to achieve, maybe you’ve prayed normally and it refuses to change, apply fasting and prayer to it, it will definitely change.

Jesus emphasized this in the new testament, that there are some demonic situations that you will need to apply fasting and prayer before you overcome.

I advise, if you want to embark on any reasonable project, take a fast on it, and you will see it flourish.

#4. Your Personal relationship with God:

#5. Kingdom Advancement Endeavor

#6. Be a giver:

a – the church, God
b – your pastor
c – your parents
d – the poor
e – your family, wife and children

#7. Be Spiritual

All the keys to greatness I have mentioned above will definitely enhance your spirituality. You have to be very conscious of your spiritual existence than the physical. If you are a spirit, then you must always be in the spirit and always function as a spirit. This consciousness makes your winning team.

You cannot be a lion and live among sheep and still function as a lion, that’s not possible, because you will be behaving like the sheep. The animals like the lion, goats, are complete flesh and blood.

We never heard of God making them in his likeness, that’s why they are not spirits. They don’t have spirit, therefore they live completely as physical flesh and blood beings. There’s nothing spiritual about them because they are not spirits.

Since they are not spirits, they Will be very successful in living by who they are. Humans are different. You are a spirit, and if you want to be successful in this earth you must live and function as a spirit. Whether you like it or not, you will do limited if your earthly functionality totally depends on your physical system or realm.

You should understand that your spirit was designed to sustain your body according to the bible. That means your spirit was designed to be a defense system for your body.

The spirit is not limited and is superior. Your spirit can do without your body, but your body cannot do without your spirit. The moment your spirit leaves your body, your body is dead. That means your spirit is your life, not actually the blood that runs on your body. If your spirit leaves your body, the blood will stop flowing.

That means your entire system is being activated by your spirit. You should remember that was exactly what happened during Creation in the book of Genesis. After God used the clay to mould or form Adam, the body was lying down there lifeless, until God breadthed on it, then it became a life.

That means it was the spirit that brought it to life, not blood. God did not put any blood in Adam, it was the spirit that formed all the systems, the organs.

Therefore the entire human formation is spiritual, you are a spirit and must live and function on earth as a spirit if you want to succeed on earth. You need to also understand that Adam was more than a success on earth when he was functioning fully as a spirit being. The day canality entered him was the day he fell.

All along he never knew he was necked,

The flesh profits nothing according to the bible, you can gain nothing from it. God is a spirit and succeed as a spirit. Faith is a spirit, wisdom is a spirit, favor, power, name them, are all spirits, you cannot have them if you are not spiritual.

You have to be spiritual to activate all the keys to greatness. You can only be great according to the level of your spiritual life. You can’t relate with God successfully without being spiritual.

The truth is, being spiritual helps you to flow with God always, and in his frequency. Spirituality is one of the great keys to greatness.

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